Party Game Ideas
In planning your party you need great food, a considerable venue, a cool theme and some guests, but how do you turn A PARTY to THE PARTY that anyone could recall for many years to come? There is no other better way to add spice to any party than with a dash of creativity in coming up with unique party games and we're here to give you a few ideas to get your party going and buzzing!
The Fear Box
Let us take a page off of Vanity Fair's playbook with the famous Fear Box Game! It is popular for a reason and that reason is thrill! Your guests will surely end up laughing till they get bellyache as long as you put just the right items in the Fear Box.
Never Have I Ever Extreme Edition
We all know the name of the game and we all know how it goes, so add a bit of spice to the age old game by making pre-made questions that are just the right balance of funny and witty to get your guests participating and entertained.
Handless Bring Me
Turn a children's game into something worth the challenge with Handless Bring Me! Make sure to pre-plan all the items and make it physically impossible to carry around with no hands to give your guests a fun and memorable time! The game is simple, it is a conventional game of bring me but with both hands tied to the bag so the only means of getting the requested item is with the participants' wits alone!
There are thousands of other cool games out there already existing and waiting to be created, let your creative juices flow and go throw the most memorable party with these fun games! For more party tips check out THE ULTIMATE PARTY GUIDE | ORANGEDOLLY
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