A party for great minds: How to throw a scavenger hunt party

A Scavenger Hunt is a game in which individuals or teams are sent out to accumulate, without purchasing, a series of common, outlandish, or humorous objects, the winner being the person or team returning first with all the items. Pulling off a successful scavenger hunt party is total hard work but well worth it with the fun and mystery it brings! If you are planning to throw this type of party for your friends and family, then you better start laying out your plans as early as now. Don't worry because we've got your back with this helpful list of things to do to make this awesome party come to life.
Plan your way
As was mentioned, a scavenger hunt needs a thorough plan in order to go on smoothly. Make sure to scout your locations beforehand and see to it that these locations are not dangerous and easily accessible for your guests/hunt participants. A symbolic trinket for the winner is a usual token hidden to find on most scavenger hunt parties. Planning is where you set the route, the instructions, and the clues you'd want to have for your party.
Clue in!
Make sure to set up the various destination routes of your participants, putting signs and clues or even a riddle can take the hunt up a notch. Make sure to prepare contingencies to keep these clues intact and searchable even when it rains or any other weather disturbances. Keeping it in a sealed zip lock bag should keep it safe and secure up until the participants get to it. Additional rewards along the way should keep the game spirit burning for your guests so make sure to have those too after every few clues!
Have fun
You can surely join in the fun of your own Scavenger Hunt by being a part of the game with your clueless guests! Make sure to enjoy the fruit of your hard labor, with all the preparations and time you gave for it, you certainly deserve enjoyment too!
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